Bloem Sports & fun camp

What are you going to do with your kids this Holiday period?

Why not let them do something active, stimulating, and creative.

During the December Holiday period you can send your kids to The Edge Group sports and fun camp. Let them learn new skills in different sports plus physical activities as well as basic life skills and even some art. There is even a brain workouts activity. Let them be challenged and coached by sport specific coaches, even up to an Olympic level coach and assistants - who knows, maybe you have a champion in the making or artist!

The where and when

The Edge Group will present the Holiday sports and fun camp at the Fichardtpark Sports club from 5 to 23 December and then again from 2 to 6 January.
From 8:00 in the mornings until 17:00 in the afternoons, Mondays to Fridays. 

the what

Coaches will facilitate lessons in Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash, Tennis and Golf plus basic health and fitness techniques, designed to stimulate the kids plus a motivational life skills session to equip them with more than just physical but also mental skills. To ensure balance and creativity, an art and creativity session is also facilitated. The program is designed to work on a round robin basis, where groups of not more than 12 participants per group, move between the sports and activities for 45 min sessions per station. Groups will be age and gender appropriate to ensure comfortable interaction. Participants must be at least 10 years old.

They will be taught the basic rules and techniques of each sport and get the opportunity to try each of these sports, with the coaches assisting them in correcting the techniques and enhancing the enjoyment of each skill – FUN is the primary goal. The same applies for the art and creativity class.

Each week will have four days with this model (Monday to Thursday) and on the Friday, the kids will have the opportunity to compete in a mini tournament against each other with these new skills they have learned and complete their artwork. The model is best utilized if a participant attends all five days because the skills build on a previous day of that week, but because fun is the major outcome, the participant can even mix and match days in different weeks or even repeat previous days or attend only one day. Ideally, they will attend all five days because the lessons build daily on the previous day to have at the end of the week a participant with some new knowledge and skill and maybe even a newfound passion for a sport or art.

With the other activities available at the camp, there are enough to get the interest of a variety of tastes. No participant will be expected to do anything they are uncomfortable with, and participants will decide their own level of participation. 

the cost

Attending a full week is ideal and are priced at R1 250 for the week. Only attending daily will cost R300 per day. This includes a healthy lunch and a fruit juice. All equipment and balls will be provided but own equipment is welcomed. Participants must just bring sunscreen, a towel, water bottle and a good teachable attitude.

There is only space to accommodate 72 participants per day, so hurry and book now. Information on the facilitators is available on the website.

First aid will be available at the venue. All activities will be within the sporting complex and is regarded as secure but there is no official security at the gates and participants need to adhere to the strict rules of staying within the venue during the day. Safe-guarding protocols applies.

There is no PlayStation, Xbox, or Wi-Fi available.

daily program

Time Activity Notes
7:00 Venue Opens

7:45 Debriefing Logistics explained & warm-up
8:00 Badminton or Rules, technique, tactics, and basic play
8:45 Rotation
9:00 Table Tennis or Rules, technique, tactics, and basic play
9:45 Rotation
10:00 Tennis or Rules, technique, tactics, and basic play
10:45 Rotation
11:00 Squash or
Rules, technique, tactics, and basic play
11:45 Rotation
12:00 Golf or
Rules, technique, tactics, and basic play
12:45 Lunch Healthy meal with fruit juice
13:30 Art and Creativity
Basic techniques and creative activation
14:15 Rotation
14:30 Health and Fitness
Body weight training, stretching and general fitness
15:15 Rotation
15:30 Healthy Mind
Mind and brain workouts plus basic life skills
16:15 Free Play
Can play some of the sports for fun or attempt the challenges or relax
17:30 Venue Closes
Please note : The schedule can change due to loadshedding or the weather.

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